Ways to save money when shopping at supermarketsWays to save money when shopping at supermarkets

Whatever your favorite supermarket, there are plenty of ways to save money when you shop these days! 

Sometimes we go there just to hang out, other times we go there with something in mind, but most of the time when you go shopping, you go somewhere body with the intention of spending the money.

Below are ways to reduce your spending at the supermarket so you can continue to save money, while still being able to buy what you want. 

1 – Go on sale 

Stores often mark down their items…sometimes a lot. However, during sales, you are more likely to get something cheaper. You can find out about the sale of the store through television commercials, newspaper ads or signs. There are also often sales during major holidays. But another effective way to find out about the market is to ask the sellers. Sellers know when sales are coming and which items, in particular, will sell. Depending on the store, the seller may ask you to come back in a day to get your item, or they may hold your item until it sells.

2 – Look for coupons in magazines and online

Every week, in your Sunday newspaper, many department stores offer coupons of a certain amount: 10%, 15% or 20% off. While coupons aren’t available on everything, they still provide an easy way to save a few dollars.

If you need a last minute freebie or two, check out websites that have some of the best prices, best products, and best deals right now. 

3 – Don’t sign up for a store credit card 

Even if it saves you 10% don’t do it.

While credit cards sound great when you’re out there (check out this easy way to save 10% on your purchases), they’re not a great way to save money in the long run. On the contrary… they encourage you to spend more money in the store since you don’t see the cash transaction; you only see the swipe of the card.

Plus, like any other credit card, they earn interest on all unpaid bills – sometimes at a high percentage! This explains why many stores create their own credit cards. So in the end, it’s not worth saving $10 or $20 when it will force you to spend a lot more than that in the future.

4 – Follow your favorite store’s mailing list 

Although you don’t have to sign up for a store credit card, you do have to sign up for the store’s mailing list. The store will send you all kinds of coupons that you will use in the future.

Also, some stores have special hours for events that you can find out through their mailing list. Tip: Make sure they don’t share your information with other companies. You don’t want to receive calls from all telemarketers. 

5. Keep things in mind (or stick to your spending limits) 

Before I started working on a budget, I used to take a few things in mind when going to the store, but I like to stop at my favorite stores. This often leads to a few unexpected purchases.

Now I know exactly what to buy and I only spend a certain amount of money. I think this method works for me because sometimes I know exactly what I want, other times I have a general idea and can wander until I find what I want. This process can help you control how much money you spend, and allow you to spend that money on the things you want. 

6 – Go to the factory 

Many retailers have large manufacturing facilities located in the country. You should find the people closest to you and visit them. 

7 – Go to the thrift store 

Thrift stores like Marshalls or T.J. Maxx offers designer clothes at half price. They also have many types of clothes and shoes. Like designer stores, discount store items can have minor blemishes. However, if you have time to sort through all their clothes, you will find things you love at very low prices.

 Important things to save money in shopping malls 

Whichever method you choose to follow, make sure you stick to a budget and don’t just stick to your credit card. The easiest way to save money is to not spend it in the first place.

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